We are wrapping up the 2022 show season and are looking towards 2023. We are starting to accept applications to host a show. We were pleased with this year’s number of shows and always want to grow but need to continue to adapt to more shows before we grow more. Therefore, there will be some restrictions on show hosts for 2023. Hopefully in the future we can lift several of these restrictions! The show host and regional coordinator will work together to put on the show. The show coordinator will be considered the ASDR official for their region.

What is required to host a show –

  1. Shows can only be hosted between March 10 – November 15
  2. A show host must have hosted a previous show
  3. Only 1 show per state per month
  4. All venue information MUST be received at the time of application (we need this for insurance purposes).
  5. Only one show per host
  6. Only one show per weekend

The application will be open September 1 – November 1 : https://americanstockdog.wufoo.com/forms/application-to-host-a-sponsored-2022/

Show dates will be given on a first received basis. If you apply and someone already has requested that month in your state or that date anywhere, you will have to pick a different date. To check approved dates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jQ6m2com20Iaurq2nrTflP7s77y-7zz1NSkP-P54eBA/edit?usp=sharing

I will only be updating the link Monday – Thursday 9am – 4pm. If you look outside of these hours, dates may already be taken that are not on the spreadsheet.

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