General Agility Rules:

American Stock Dog Registry will be referred to throughout these rules as ASDR.

Entry Eligibility


All dogs must be at least 1 year or older to compete in regular classes. All dogs must be at least 6 months old to compete in the Beginner Class.


  • Dogs must be free of lameness.
  • Dogs must not have any open wounds
  • Bitches in Season can compete, but they must wear panties while competing and will run last in their class(es).


  • Dogs may wear a flat buckle collar or no collar at all. For the beginner class, no choke collars or slip leads of any kind are allowed
  • No treats or toys are allowed during competition.
  • In the event of a tie, the fastest time will decide the winner.
  • There will be a walk-through prior to the start of each class. This is the time when questions can be asked of the judge. No dogs are allowed in the ring during the walk-through.
  • The Event Committee may decline any entries or may remove any dog from its event for cause, but in each such instance shall file good and sufficient reasons for doing so with the American Stock Dog Registry.
  • Please reference the ASDR Performance Rules for rules that apply to all performance events.


Regular Classes:

Dogs must compete off-lead to earn a qualifying run. Two qualifying scores are required to obtain a title.

Standard Class:

Courses will consist of the required number of obstacles for each class as listed in Table 1. Obstacles can include A-frame, Dog Walk, Open Tunnels, Teeter, Pause Tables, Weave Poles, Bar Jumps, Panel Jump, or Tire Jump.

Jumpers Class:

Courses will consist of the required number of obstacles for each class. as listed in Table 1. Obstacles can include Bar Jumps, Panel Jumps, Weave Poles, and Open Tunnels.

Non-Regular Classes:

Beginners Class:

The course will be the same as Level l, but all dogs will run on lead. Puppies must be at least 6 months old to participate. No dogs on-lead will be allowed to jump, no matter their age and will compete with all bars down. The beginner class is not a titling class.

Veterans Class:

For dogs who are 6 years and older. The Veteran Dog jump height will be lowered by a minimum of 4”.

Jump Height Categories:

Jump height is up to 2 inches lower than the dog’s height at the withers

All dogs will be measured prior to competing. The following jump height divisions shall be used in all trial Regular classes.

Dog Height at Withers

Jump Height

10 inches and below

8 inches

10 - 12 inches

10 inches

12 - 14 inches

12 inches

14 - 16 inches

14 inches

16 - 18 inches

16 inches

18 - 20 inches

18 inches

Course Requirements:

The agility ring should not be smaller than 75’ x 100'.

The agility ring can be on dirt, artificial turf, natural grass, but must be level without any significant divots or holes.

Equipment that is not being used may not be stored inside ring. Equipment must be behind ring gating and doing so may not decrease the ring size to below the minimum required.

All courses must have clearly designated start and finish lines and all obstacles/ jumps must be clearly and sequentially numbered.

Obstacle Specifications:


An inverted “V” constructed with two connected panels that are each at least 3 feet wide and approximately 9 feet long. Minimum peak height is 5 feet for 4- and 8-inch jump heights and 5.5 feet high for dogs who jump over 8 inches. Contact zones are identified with bright yellow coloring on the lower portion of the panels and along the panel sides. The remainder of the contact obstacle must be of a single color that contrasts with bright yellow.

Performance: Dogs must ascend one panel and descend the other in the direction designated by the judge and they must touch the contact zone on the downside only, with any part of one foot prior to completing the obstacle.

Dog Walk

The Dog Walk consists of 3 sections that are 12 inches in width. Two sections are angled up to the center section which is 48 inches above the ground. Contact zones are identified with bright yellow coloring on the lower portion of the panels and along the panel sides. The remainder of the contact obstacle must be of a single color that contrasts with bright yellow.

Performance: Dogs must ascend one of the ramps, cross the center section, and descend the other ramp in the direction designated by the judge. They must touch the down contact zone with any part of one foot prior to completing the obstacle.


The Tunnel is a flexible tube of durable opaque material that is capable of being formed into curved shapes. The openings are approximately 25 inches in diameter. The Tunnel length is 10 to 20 feet. The Tunnel must be secured with standard tunnel bags to keep the tunnel from shifting during use. Tunnels can be any color other than black.

Performance: Dogs enter the end specified by the judge and exit the other end.


The Teeter consists of a plank (or panel) made of a wood or fabricated material that can be properly surfaced and is supported near the center by a base that acts as a fulcrum. The plank is 12 inches wide with a 1-inch tolerance, and 12 feet long.

Performance: Dogs must ascend the Teeter touching the “up” contact zone with any part of one foot and cause the plank to pivot. At least one paw must touch the “down” contact zone after the plank has touched the ground and prior to leaving the obstacle with all four (4) paws. The dog must exit the descent end of the Teeter.

Pause Table

The Pause Table is a 36-inch square table with a non-slip surface. The top of the table should be a light color and highly visible. The height of the table should be adjustable and set at the following heights based on height class:

Jump Height Class

Pause Table Height

4- and 8-inches






20- and 24-inches



Performance: The dog shall pause on the table for five consecutive seconds. The judge’s count shall start once all four (4) paws have touched the table (and the dog remains on the tabletop). Neither a sit nor a down position shall be required.

Weave Poles

Weave Poles consist of a base of either 6 or 12 pole fasteners and 6 or 12 PVC poles that measure 3 to 4 feet in length. The base should be as flush to the ground as possible and secured so that the base does not move significantly during a dog’s run. The poles can be solid colors or striped. Poles should be 24-inches apart.

Performance: Dogs must enter the Weave Poles by passing between poles number 1 and number 2 from right to left. They must then pass from left to right through poles number 2 and number 3 and continue this weaving sequence until they pass between the last two poles. If the sequence is broken, the dog must restart the weave poles at the first pole, beginning anew between poles number 1 and number 2 from right to left. Dogs are allowed three attempts at the weave poles and then must go on.



Bar Jumps

Bar Jumps consist of two uprights with cups at designated jump heights. The cups hold a 1-inch PVC pipe which is 4 to 5 feet in length. The uprights are not connected at the base. The bar should be able to be knocked off the cups if a dog hits it. Bar Jumps may or may not have wings. Wings can be between 16- and 36-inches in width and 24- to 42-inches in height. They may be angled.

Performance: Dogs must jump over the jump in the direction indicated by the judge without disrupting the top bar.

Panel Jumps

Panel Jumps consist of up to six panels attached to jump bars, so that the jump looks like a solid wall. The panels should be 4 to 5 feet in length, 3- to 4-inches in width, and up to 1-inch thick.

Performance: Dogs must jump over the jump in the direction indicated by the judge without disrupting any of the panels.

Tire Jumps

The Tire Jump is a large circular tube suspended in a frame. The tube is made from 2 180-degree segments that are connected at the top and bottom and that can be separated with substantial force. The inner diameter of the tire is approximately 24 inches.

Performance: Dogs must jump through the tire opening in the direction specified by the judge without breaking the tire segments apart or knocking the tire frame over. The tire’s jump height will be set one jump height lower than the Bar Jump height, except for the 4-inch jump height.

Performance Specifications:

Faults, Eliminations and Excusals:

All Decisions of The Judge Are Final

If there are questions about a run, ask questions of the judge once you have received your score sheet.

A refusal is defined as ("dog has four paws on obstacles and stops forward motion. Ex: enters tunnel and comes out of tunnel at the same end dog entered, starts up the dog walk and turns around and comes down or jumps off, starts up A-frame and turns around and comes down or jumps off, enters weave pole on incorrect side)

An off-course occurs when a dog goes to an obstacle that is not next in the course, or places at least one paw on/in an obstacle but does not complete the obstacle correctly, or going past the plane of an obstacle and returns, or cuts through the weaves, or over a jump.

The loss of control of a dog will result in a disqualification.

If the top bar is disrupted, a 5-point fault is assessed (bar down). If the dog jumps the obstacle in the wrong direction, an off course will be assessed.

Eliminating in the ring is cause for immediate dismissal and disqualification.


Bar Down

-5 points


-5 points

Missed Contact

-5 points

Off Course

-5 points

Out of Control




Judges’ Responsibilities:

Judges are responsible for making agility trials meaningful and reasonably challenging, and for judging in accord with these Regulations. Judges must inspect the course area and check the equipment before starting the trial.

A judge may excuse a dog on any level if in his or her opinion the dog cannot be controlled. A judge may also excuse any dog which he or she considers unfit to participate. The judges must promptly excuse any handler who willfully interferes with another dog or handler, or who abuses their dog, or in any way displays conduct prejudicial to the sport of dogs and the ASDR, or who disregards a judge’s direct order.

Judges cannot compete in the event where they are judging.

Judges shall not review video for determination or explanation of a dog’s score. Video may be used in case of a stopwatch malfunction to determine a dog’s time. Video may also be used to verify the correct run order of dogs in the event score sheets have been used out of order.

Judges shall:

  • Design courses prior to the trial
  • Inspect equipment the morning of the first day of the show
  • Finalizing each course prior to judging each class
  • Instruct Scribe on signals and point deductions
  • Instructs Timer regarding timing
  • Measuring Dogs
  • Briefing exhibitors prior to each class
  • Any required ASDR Judge’s reports.

Show Host Responsibilities:

Show Hosts are responsible for having all required equipment. Show Hosts must provide judges with a list of available equipment and ring size at least 1 month prior to the trial so that judges can design their courses.



Table 1: Course Requirements

Standard Agility


# of Obstacles

Qualifying Score

# of Refusals Allowed

# of Missed Contacts

# of Off-courses Allowed

Downed Bar



Level I

10 - 16






Level II

10 - 16






May include teeter or weave poles


14 - 18






May include teeter or weave poles

Elite Silver

14 - 18






May include teeter, 1 or more tunnels or at least 2 sets of 6 weave poles.

Elite Gold

14 - 18






May include teeter, 1 or more tunnels or at least 2 sets of 6 weave poles.

Elite Grand

14 - 18






May include teeter, 1 or more tunnels or at least 1 set of 12 weave poles.


Level I

10 - 16






Must include one tunnel.

Level II

10 - 16






Must include one tunnel.


14 -18






Must include one tunnel.

Elite Silver

14 -18






Must include two tunnels.

Elite Gold

14 -18






Must include two tunnels.

Elite Grand

14 -18






Must include two tunnels.


© 2005 - 2025 American Stock Dog Registry. All rights reserved.