Polite Herding Dog (PHD) 

The Polite Herding Dog tests, evalutate the dogs ability to stay under control and well mannered in a public setting. Dogs must pass all 10 tasks to pass. Only 1 level is allowed per show weekend and must be entered on the entry form. Treats may but use after an exercise is finished, but not while the task is being preformed or as a lure to get the dog to preform the task. 


PHD- Level 1

                     1. The dog allows a friendly stranger to approach and shake hands with the handler. THe dog may not shy away or show any                               signs of aggression. 

                    2. The dog sits for attention without getting out of the sitting positon. The examiner will approach the dog and pet them while                                 they remain in a sitting position. 

                     3. The tolerance of the dog being handled will be checked by the examiner by them lifting front feet, touching ears, and using a                             brush. 

                     4. The dog must exhibit polite leash walking skills, being able to turn left, right , about turn, and a stop without pulling. 

                     5. The dog and handler must be able to walk through a crowd of people without the dog showing anxiety, pulling or aggression. 

                     6. The dog must be place in a down stay while the handler walks 20 feet away. The handler must return to their dog without                                 them getting up. 

                    7. The dog must come when called from a down stay. (This may be combined with number 6). 

                    8. The dog and handler must meet another dog and handler. The dogs will be on opposite sides and will be at least 2 feet apart.                           The dogs will not pass the handler's left leg and the handlers will carry on a 30 second conversation. The dog must not show                           any signs of aggression or pulling on the leash. The dog may be in a sit, down, or stand. 

                   9. The dog must tolerate a distraction of a loud noise. The dog must not bolt, show extreme anxiety, or show aggression. 

                  10. Dog and owner are separated for 3 minutes. The dog cannot whine, pull, or jump on the handler that is holding the dog during                          the evaluation. 

PHD - Master (Level 2) 

                  1. The dog remains under control while the handler fills out the paperwork. The dog may sit, stand, or lay down but cannot pull on                        the leash. 

                  2. The dog must exhibit loose leash walking among other dogs in a common area. The dog cannot pull on the leash,  drug                                    through the crowd, or show signs of aggression. 

                  3. The dog exhibits control while on a loose leash while walking through a crowded area. The dog cannot pull on the leash, be                              drug through the crowd, or show signs of aggression. 

                  4. The dog ignores distractions such as a crowd with dogs, on a loose leash and does not pull on to go to the other dogs. 

                  5. The dog must exhibit control for at least 25 seconds while standing in a circle with at least 2 other dogs. The dogs may sit or                            lay down but may not pull on the leash, bark, or show aggression. Dogs are kept 2 feet apart.

                  6. The dog allows a person carrying a larg bag to approach them to be petted. Dog may not shy away, bark, pull on the leash or                          show signs of aggression. 

                  7. The dog must exhitit control by walking past a food distraction that is dropped by a bystander. You may command your dog to                          leave it. Dog may not pull to get to or eat the dropped food. 

                  8. The dog must remain in a stay while the owner walks 20 feet away to retrieve a bag, return to their dog, and sit the bag on the                         ground. The dog may not shy away or get out of the stay. 

                  9. The dog must come past a distraction when called. The distraction can be toys or treats. The dog cannot eat the treats or take                          the toys. 

                 10. The dog must walk walk through a door way while the hadler is holding a drink in their hand. The dog must not pull or be drug                           through the entry. 

PHD - Elite (Level 3) 

                 1. The dog waits for the handler to open a door. Dog may enter before or after handler, but must not pull on the leash or be drug i                          into the building. 

                 2. The dog must be able to walk through a crowd of 6 or more people and 3 dogs. People may have on hats, sunglasses, and may                       be men,  women, and children. 

                 3. The dog must be able to walk on different textures or surfaces. This may be grass, concrete, tarp, asphalt, wet cement, ect. The                       dog must not show signs of anxiety or pulling of the leash to noises or distractions such as a siren, horn, skateboard, baby                               stroller, bike, running people, ect. 

                4. The dog must cross the street in a controlled manner without pulling on the leash. The dog must stop at the corner or crossing                          and sit until the handler feels it safe to cross. The dog may not pull on the leash. 

                5. The dog must ignore food left on the sidewalk and leave it while walking passed, the dog must be on the side closest to the food                      and be only 1 foot away. The food can be hamburgers, nuggets, hot dogs, ect. The dog may no tpull on the leash or eat any of                        the food. 

                6. A Stranger approaches the dog with a bag, while holding the bag the stranger bends over and pets the dog while the dog                                  remains in a sitting position. The dog cannot show signs of shyness or pulling on the leash. 

                7. The dog must remain in control in a down stay while the handler is having a snack for 3 minutes. The dog may not whine, beg,                        or get out of the down stay at any time. 

                8. The dog must remain in control while going up stairs or bleachers. The dog may not pull the handler on the way up or down. 

                9. The dog must be in control while being crated. The dog cannot show any signs of aggression and cannot whine or bark from the                      crate while other dog is being walked past the crate. 

               10. The dog must be quiet while it is in the crate while the owner is gone for 2 minutes. Dog must not whine, bark, or dig at the crate. 


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